Do you need the best taxi transport in Sutomore and Bar? You are in the right place!
We offer fully equipped and new vehicles that are ready for safe and reliable taxi transport throughout the territory of Montenegro.
Our company Taksi Prevoz was founded in 2023 in Sutomore.
We do the best passenger transportation in the country and
We work in Croatia, Serbia, Albania and all countries in the region. We do transfers from and to the airport as well as contracted rides for foreign and domestic tourists.
We emphasize with ekao the best and most reliable taxi transport and excellent prices for all our clients.
We work with legal and natural persons.
Behind us are numerous satisfied clients, who are our best advertisement and who have great confidence in our work.
If you need the best taxi transport in Bar or Sutomore, contact us with confidence and we will send the vehicle to your address as soon as possible!
For all information visit us and call the number; 068/030637 has viver in wacap
Ukoliko ste zainteresovani za proizvode i usluge kompanije, ostavite upit i dobićete odgovor u najkraćem mogućem roku. Upit će biti javno vidljiv na portalu.
Ocjeni preduzeće i napiši svoj utisak o saradnji.
Najbolja autoperionica Kolašin
Donji Pažanj bb, 81210 Kolašin
Renta car i taxi prevoz Bijelo Polje
Slobodana Penezića 15, 84000 Bijelo Polje
Iznajmljivanje motora trotineta i bicikala Kotor
Kostanjica undefined, 85330 Kotor