Accounting Kotor |
The company Nikolić 4S doo with its headquarters in Dobrota, has been operating since 2002 in Kotor. We stand out for good prices and quality bookkeeping and accounting services. We are trying to improve our work in order to increase the scope of services.
We provide complete accounting and bookkeeping services, we
provide tax consulting and auditing services. We take care of the scheduled
deadlines and respect all agreements.
Our main goal is to provide our clients with the highest quality services at all times, appreciating their time.
Our employees are people of trust, so we are a measure of
quality and affordable services. We are ready for all agreements and numerous
clients are proof that we work to the best standards.
If you want quality service at affordable prices, we are here for you, because we offer a good price and reliability of service.
Visit us in Kotor, we guarantee you quality.
Contact us for more information. We are at your service.
Ukoliko ste zainteresovani za proizvode i usluge kompanije, ostavite upit i dobićete odgovor u najkraćem mogućem roku. Upit će biti javno vidljiv na portalu.
Pouzdano vođenje investicija Podgorica Crna Gora
Bulevar Lenjina 56/4, 81110 Podgorica
Konsultantske usluge u oblasti prava Podgorica Crna Gora
Šeika Zaida 2, Zgrada Oaza 1/13, 81110 Podgorica
Konsultantske usluge vezane za poslovanje i logistiku poslovanja Podgorica
VI crnogorska 12, 81110 Podgorica
Projektovanje izvođenje i nadzor u građevinarstvu Bijelo Polje
Ulica Trsova 42, 84000 Bijelo Polje
Ocjeni preduzeće i napiši svoj utisak o saradnji.